San Diego Teen Therapists Directory Therapists San Diego
Teenage Substance Abuse

San Diego Therapist lays special emphasis on teenage substance abuse. Alcohol and drug usage among teenagers is a serious problem befalling many families in California. In United States, though consumption of alcohol and illegal dugs is prohibited to anyone below 21 years of age, there are many teenagers who are caught with this habit. Our teenage program involves both preventive and curative measures.

Substance abuse could be the result of one or several factors such as social environment, familial surroundings, family history, peer pressure and general mental capabilities. Teenagers who are vulnerable and unable to withstand social, economic or any other pressure are likely to fall victims to substance abuse. Lack of mental strength to face life realities or seeking an opportunity to escape from them is also an important cause for substance abuse among teenagers. Exposure to trauma of any kind in the adolescent period could also be a probable cause of alcoholism or drug addiction.

Preventive measures to check substance abuse

Studies have revealed that proper monitoring of teenagers by family members, friends and other elders in times of stress and trauma helps in combating tough situations. Parents need to be alert in recognizing sudden changes in behaviors of their children immediately after a distressful or unwarranted happening.

As a responsible teenage substance abuse prevention organization, we advice you to recognize striking changes in habits or behavior of adolescents close to you. There could be changes in appearance, food habits and sleep patterns. A sudden increase in spending or demand for money is another recognizable trait for new addicts. Change of friends and withdrawal from regular activities is another clear indication of teenagers becoming a drug addict. It has been found that the earlier a teenager is introduced to any form of abuse, higher is the possibility of him or her becoming an addict at a later age.

Curative measures adopted

We, through our awareness programs conducted from time to time, do preventive treatment against substance abuse among teenagers. Our curative procedures could extend from a few days to several weeks and even months depending on the extent of abuse and response from the patient. Emotional training, therapeutic support and academic sessions form part of our treatment procedure. Substance abuse cases are commonly treated with a combination of therapeutic, emotional and academic sessions.

Serious cases of drug and alcohol abuse at our place are referred to our inpatient department. Treatment ideally begins with a detoxification process for the more severely affected. For other patients, group therapy and tutoring are carried out in unison to offer a complete treatment procedure. In these sessions, care is taken for the entire health of an affected teenager to be checked. We have observed that the results are better for patients on whom treatment is carried out for a longer period. Staying in a secured environment and exposure to a motivational training session help addicted teenagers overcome their vulnerable stage in a more effective way.

Teenage substance abuse at our place is treated with utmost seriousness as they belong to the most potential section of American populace. We feel it is our duty to rid this menace of addiction among this productive segment of individuals.